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How can I create different type of web redirects with my cPanel? Print

  • web redirect, permanent redirect, temporary redirect, Website
  • 0

1. Begin by scrolling to the Domains category after logging into your control panel

2. Click on the Redirects icon, it's the fourth one down the list

3. You'll first need to determine the type of Redirect:

 Permanent. A permanent redirect has a status code of 301, and unlike the temporal ones is cached in the browser memory. 301 redirects are permanent. They mean that the page has moved, and they request any search engine or user agent coming to the page to update the URL in their database.

 Temporary. Temporary redirects (as the name suggests) are not permanent redirects, which means that the page is sending status code 302 to the browser. The 302 code tells the browser not to cache this redirect into its saved data. This is the recommended type of redirect unless you are absolutely sure that you will never change it in the future.

Next, you can allow any of the domains on your account to redirect to another website or you can specify a domain.

4. Then you can enter the name of the directory you want to serve as your redirect URL.

5. The final field asks the ACTUAL website address (not including the HTTP://) that you want the visitor to be taken to.

6. We recommend leaving the final two options as is and clicking on the Add Button.

Sometimes the above redirects may loop and show errors. In such cases, we recommend plain HTML or PHP redirects.

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