Migrate to OBHost Hosting
So you now have your new OBHost Hosting account but your data and domains are still with your old provider. Don’t panic! We have created this guide to aid you through the migration process.
Migrations can appear to be complicated and quite a lot of work however don't worry - if you get stuck simply raise a support ticket and we can assist.
There are two ways to move your data across, an assisted migration using cPanel backups and a manual migration.
This guide will explain both processes.
If your current website is WordPress we have a specific guide for this here
cPanel Migrations
The easiest and fastest method to move your websites and clients to OBHost Hosting is a cPanel migration.
Please note this is only available if your current hosting provider is using cPanel. If your current hosting provider is not using cPanel please follow the Manual Migration as defined later in this document.
Step 1 – Backups
Using your existing cPanel hosting account simply login to your WHM (If you are a reseller) or cPanel if using a standard hosting account, and perform a "Full Website Backup"
You can find the Backup icon on your client cPanel page. If for any reason this is not shown, you will need to contact your old hosting provider and ask if they can enable this or create the backup for you.
Some hosting providers disable backup manager function within cPanel.
Step 2 – Downloading Backups
Depending on the size of your account, the backup can take some time to complete.
Once complete, the cPanel backup manager on your old hosting providers platform will e-mail you to confirm the backup has completed (if you asked to receive an e-mail)
Within the backup manager, you will now be presented with the option to download the backup of your account (or individual client account if a Reseller)
Please download the backup file, which will follow the format backup-2.28.2015_21-49-59_USERNAME.tar.gz
The date will change based on the date the backup was taken and the username will reflect the username of the account you have backed up.
Step 3 – Uploading Backups to your new Account
Once downloaded locally, you need to upload your backup file(s) to your new FTP account. Details for this are provided in your Welcome e-mail from us.
For security, we would advise that you FTP these to your root location and not into your public_html folder.
Step 4 – Restoration of Backups
Once your backup file(s) have been uploaded to your new FTP account with us, please raise a support ticket.
We will then take over and restore your backup files which will correctly map the account into your hosting with us.
We also test the backup to ensure that your files are consistent.
Step 5 – Domains & DNS
Once we have competed your restore, you now need to update your domain's DNS to use the name servers noted in your Welcome e-mail (or custom name servers if you are a reseller and have set these up)
If you have opted to leave your domains with a third-party vendor, then you need to update your name servers via their domain control panel.
Manual Migration
The Manual Migration approach is more time consuming, although fully achievable by following the instructions below.
Once your accounts have moved to our platform, we also provide the benefit of a cPanel backup.
While we plan to keep you a very happy customer, if you ever did want to move to another hosting provider in the future you can simply use the first migration method, which will save you time.
Step 1 – Website Copy
The first stage to a manual migration involves physically copying your website files.
To achieve this, you will need to login to your FTP account with your old hosting provider and download all the websites files to your computer.
Be sure to copy all files including any hidden files for example .htaccess
Once your files have downloaded from your old server, using the FTP details on your welcome e-mail please upload them to your new account with us.
Be sure to upload these to your public_html folder.
Step 2– Database Copy If Needed
If your website contains a database (e.g. if your site is WordPress / Joomla etc), then you will need to also copy your databases from your old hosting provider's control panel.
For each database you have, simply export the entire database using PHPMyAdmin.
Once exported, this will download a .SQL file which you can use to re-upload the database to our servers.
Next, login to your cPanel with us and click on MySQL Wizard. Follow the wizard through to create a new database and associated user. You will need to grant the user 'All Privileges' on the database.
Be sure to make a note of your database name, username and password as these will be needed at Step 3
Once your database has been created, please use PHPMyAdmin to select the database and upload the file into it.
Step 3 – Configuration
Once you have uploaded both your website files and database, you will now need to confirm that any website configuration matches the newly created details.
For example, if you are moving a WordPress website please check your wp-config.php file to ensure that your database name, username and password are consistent with the newly created database and user account in step 2. Please note that the database name and user also includes the USERNAME_ part (where USERNAME is the username of your cPanel account)
If you need help at any time, please raise a support ticket.
Step 4 – E-Mail
If you use e-mail on your old hosting providers platform, these will also need to be copied over to your new hosting service.
Depending on if you use POP3 or IMAP (typically used for WebMail) there are two methods to move your account.
For POP3 accounts, as your e-mail is stored locally on your PC or mobile device, you simply need to login to your new cPanel account and recreate your e-mail addresses.
Once created, please ensure that your usernames and passwords are updated on any connected computers or devices.
If you use WebMail or IMAP on your devices with your old provider, you will need to download these from your old hosting provider first.
1. Set up the OLD account in a mail client such as Outlook or Mozilla Thunderbird and configure it using the details specific to the account
2. Set up the NEW account in the mail client also. You should then have two separate accounts within the same mail client
3. Recreate the folder structure in the NEW mail account
4. Once created, copy and paste all mails, folder by folder from the OLD account to the NEW account
The mails will then be on your new account with us and visible in webmail also.
Step 5 – Domains & DNS
Finally you can now update your DNS.
As with the earlier cPanel backup migration process, you will need to update your domains DNS to use the name servers as noted in your Welcome e-mail (or custom name servers if you are a Reseller).
If you have opted to leave your domains with a third-party vendor, then you need to update your name servers via their domain control panel.
If you need help with any of the above, please raise a support ticket and we'll happily assist.