Is my website down? Печать

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We pride ourselves in all aspects of our platform. As such, our platform uses Mod Security. This is an application layer firewall which in real time will monitor your website and block any bad traffic, including brute force attacks.

Mod Security protects your website and data from the 'bad guys' by blocking the IP address of the attacker.

If, while working on your website you experience a 403 error or a "timeout" error, this is likely to be a Mod Security trigger, which in turn can block your IP.

You can check if your IP address is blocked by visiting your account and viewing your product details.

Within the product details you will be presented with an automatic unblock tool, which will let you know if you were blocked and unblock you. You can view your service details here.

If you are repeatedly getting blocked, we can investigate this and isolate the trigger, in turn white-listing the trigger and your IP.

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